Friday, January 2, 2009

January 2009

January 2

Well, then new year is off and running... and so is my nose:( I got a little sick early this week and its been a battle to breath, ah well! Things are fabulous with sunny skies over Elliott Bay and I'm looking forward to seeing cousins and aunts and uncles and Grandma this weekend. Both jobs are going fine, as people are now free from snow and able to do more spending after the slow holiday season.

Hope all of you are well, and Happy New Year!


  1. Oooooh bummer about being sick!!! If I were there I'd make you homemade soup and bread! I hope you feel better SOON - I'm praying for you!!! Try NOT to stop breathing!
    Hope you have a wonderful time with the relatives this weekend!
    Love ya sis, M

  2. Dear RR,
    MA is now scheduled to leave Sunday. We are praying for all of you. Love, mom & dad
